The ‘Gudda’ I Knew! Recalling the Genius of Rohit Bal

One of India’s most iconic fashion designers passed on last month, after having valiantly fought back from a prolonged ailment. Here, his life long friend recounts his journey with Gudda, what the icon had meant to so many lives that he had positively impacted!!

To write about Rohit Bal “Gudda”is to capture a kaleidoscope of emotions, memories, and a sense of loss that words can never fully encompass. He wasn’t just a friend—he was family. He was my bestie, my fellow traveler, my confidant. He was also my creative co-conspirator, the father of Indian couture, and the kind of person who walked into your life and transformed it, leaving it brighter, richer, and infinitely more meaningful.

Rohit lived life as if it were his runway—boldly, beautifully, and unapologetically. His legacy as a designer is well known; he was, after all, the father of Indian couture, elevating fashion into an art form in the truest sense. But for those who had the privilege of knowing him personally, his artistry extended far beyond his work. It was in the way he connected with people, the way he celebrated beauty in all its forms, and the way he loved—with all his heart, without reservation.

My last handful of years in India were, in many ways, my attempt to make up for three decades of absence. Those years gifted me time with Rohit that I will forever cherish. They gave me the chance to deepen a bond that had first taken root when I was just 14 years old. It feels surreal now to think of those early days, to recall how our connection grew and evolved over the years into something so profound, so precious.

The Father of Couture and a Visionary Artist

Rohit was a creative genius. His designs were not merely garments but works of art—alive with history, culture, and emotion. He was meticulous in his pursuit of perfection, combining traditional Indian craftsmanship with a contemporary aesthetic that was unmistakably his own.

When we partnered on Veda, it was an extension of this creative spirit. While I curated the food, drawing on my love for Indian flavors, Rohit and my partner Charlie Burd brought their magic to the decor. Together, they transformed the space into something extraordinary—a feast not just for the palate but for the eyes. Every detail reflected Rohit’s unique vision, from the opulent chandeliers to the rich textures and intricate patterns that made Veda a sensory wonderland.

Rohit often marveled at the “design and painterly quality” of the dishes I created. Coming from a man who had such an unparalleled eye for beauty, it was a compliment I held close to my heart. His appreciation for art in all its forms—whether it was fashion, food, or decor—was one of his most endearing qualities. He had this rare ability to see the world as a canvas, to find beauty where others might overlook it.

The Friend Who Was Always There

Rohit wasn’t just a friend; he was a constant, unwavering presence in my life. He had a way of showing up, always, no matter how busy or unwell he might have been. He brought me flowers—beautiful arrangements that seemed to mirror his own vibrant personality. He attended every party, every gathering, every moment that I invited him to, making it brighter simply by being there.

Even in his illness, Rohit gave me unfettered access to him—day or night. When he wasn’t seeing anyone else, he made an exception for me. We would talk, reminisce, laugh, and sometimes just sit in silence, a testament to the depth of our connection.

In those quiet moments, I saw the side of Rohit that many might not have known—the vulnerable, introspective soul who carried so much love and wisdom within him. He shared stories from his life, reflections on his journey, and dreams that remained unfulfilled. It was in those moments that I realized how deeply he trusted me, how much he valued our bond.

He texted me just hours before he passed, saying that he loved me the most and had done so since I was 14. It was a message that broke my heart even as it filled it with gratitude for the love we shared. A few hours later, he was gone—passing away mere minutes after I had stood by his side. In his final moments, he gave me the gift of being there, of holding his hand, massaging his feet, legs, shoulders, head and chest, of saying goodbye. It is a memory I will carry with me always, bittersweet and profoundly meaningful.

A Bestie, a Fellow Traveler, and Family

To me, Rohit was more than a friend; he was family. He was my bestie, the one I turned to in moments of joy and despair alike. He was my fellow traveler, navigating the complexities of life with a spirit that was both adventurous and wise. He was the kind of person who left an indelible mark on your soul, whose absence feels like a void that can never truly be filled.

Rohit lived with a generosity of spirit that was unmatched. He gave freely—his time, his energy, his love. He celebrated the successes of those around him as if they were his own, and he stood by his friends in their darkest hours. He had this rare ability to make you feel like you were the most important person in the world, to lift you up with his presence and his unwavering belief in you.

But beyond his larger-than-life persona, Rohit was, at his core, a deeply human and vulnerable soul. He carried the weight of his own struggles with grace, never letting them dim the light he brought to the world. He faced life’s challenges with a resilience that was both inspiring and humbling, reminding those around him of the importance of perseverance and hope.

Gone Too Soon, but Forever in Our Hearts

Rohit left us too soon, a brilliant flame extinguished far earlier than it should have been. His passing has left a void in the world of fashion, in the lives of his friends and family, and most profoundly, in my heart.

But even in his absence, Rohit’s spirit lives on—in the art he created, in the relationships he nurtured, and in the memories we hold close. He taught me—and so many others—the importance of living fully, loving deeply, and embracing the beauty of life in all its forms.

As I reflect on the years we shared, I am overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the laughter, the conversations, the adventures, and the quiet moments of connection. Gratitude for the love he gave so freely and the joy he brought into my life.

Rohit Bal was, and always will be, a shining light—a man whose legacy transcends his achievements, whose impact on the lives of those who knew him is immeasurable, a designer who shall continue to fashion the world of couture through his immortal legacy.


Suvir Saran is an Aesthete, Author, Educator and Masterchef; Culinary Director of Neuma and One 8 Commune



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