A most laudable initiative from the hospitality industry. A far cry from asking for more, this time, giving as best as it can. For instance, Lemon Tree has partnered its hotels with various hospitals across India who will provide early care to mild/asymptomatic COVID patients in Gurugram, Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad (as on 1st May 2021). In total, Lemon Tree has provided 714 rooms. Admission to these facilities will be purely at the discretion of the relevant hospital. These facilities are not for moderate/severe COVID cases. Others like ITC have offered almost another 1500 rooms across India.
“Our country is at a very crucial stage of the pandemic with the 2nd wave impacting us across most cities of India. This dramatic increase in the number of positive cases, has resulted in an increasing need for quarantine accommodation for asymptomatic people who are either high risk or have been in contact with positive cases. Lemon Tree has supported State governments by offering quarantine accommodation from March 2020 onwards. We are now happy to partner with leading hospitals, including Medanta, Apollo, Manipal, Kauvery and Mahaveer. These partnerships are for specific hotels in Delhi, Gurugram, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. We believe it is extremely important for the private sector, especially hospitality, to play an active role in helping the healthcare system control this pandemic, said Patu Keswani, CMD Lemon Tree Hotels, in a statement to DI.
Lemon Tree is offering its full support as a hospitality partner, by providing hotel rooms to its partner hospitals for mild/asymptomatic COVID-19 patients. Partner hospitals will approve admission and send patients to our hotels. All medical advice, expertise and facilities are provided by the partner hospital. Rates, inclusions, facilities and all additional details will be provided by the partner hospital only.
Other chains are not far behind. IHCL, ITC and others like Sarovar have chipped in with offering quarantine facilities. These are across the country, and some of them are large format hotels, making the number of rooms available as impressive and gratifying. In these times, when the nation’s medical infrastructure has come tumbling down, the contribution of the hotel industry has just come in time, a small but most noble contribution.