Senior industry stakeholders suggested various measures, including a focus on the Far East market, bringing on-board Ministry of Commerce, among others, as areas of new engagements for PATA India Chapter in 2019. Here are some excerpts from the suggestions mooted by its members.

Rakesh Mathur requested donation for Eco Tourism Society of India. Vikram Madhok asked Eco-Tourism Society to send the request to PATA and EC will surely place it for consideration at the upcoming EC meeting.
Mukesh Goel suggested to PATA to consider getting Ministry of Commerce on board with Ministry of Tourism. Currently, tourism fraternity is getting MDA from MOT, however there is a possibility of getting MDA through Commerce Ministry as well. Being under the umbrella of Commerce Ministry will further increase benefits and avenues for tourism fraternity.
Secondly, he expressed his concern regarding the high participation fee on PATA Roadshow and requested a revaluation of the same.

Lajpat Rai suggested that PATA should explore the Far East markets like China, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia etc for events and roadshows as its concentration has only been Europe, the USA and Australia.
Members unanimously requested PATA to consider conducting roadshows to these high potentials, less explored markets and channelize these events through various international PATA Chapters.

Mandeep Soin requested PATA’s involvement in policy development and focus more on the issues concerning sustainable tourism development. He advocated PATA to expand its horizon and play a more vital role in the growth of sustainable and inclusive tourism.
Sanjay Dutta suggested the possibility of bringing PATA & SKAL membership to common platforms at various events conducted by both the associations.
(Source: Minutes of the Meeting of the 48th AGM PATA INDIA CHAPTER)